Hormone Replacement For Men: How To Know If It’s Right For You

Hormone Replacement

Are you struggling to get out of bed in the morning, even after a full night’s sleep? Feeling like your workouts are more of a chore than a challenge? Or maybe your libido has taken an unexpected vacation – leaving you wondering if it’ll ever come back from the beach? These could all be signs […]

Why Obesity Medication Isn’t a Substitute for a Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity Medications

Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle and Medications on your Path to Weight Loss In today’s quest for a healthier, more vibrant life, a spotlight has been shone on obesity medications like Wegovy and now Zepbound. The diabetic versions of these medications are Ozempic and Mounjaro, respectively. They are the same exact medication with different labels. These […]

Proactive Health in 365 Days: Year-Round Strategies Beyond Resolutions


New year, new you. I bet you’ve heard this phrase a million times in the past months. But here is the thing: you don’t need a new you. How about a better you, instead?  The pressure to create a completely new you can feel extremely overwhelming. You feel like you have to change everything. You […]

Cardiovascular Health and Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide

cardiovascular health

Exploring the Relationship Between Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular Health Embarking on a journey toward better health often involves navigating the intricate pathways of our well-being. At the core of this journey lies cardiovascular health, a fundamental pillar that affects our vitality and quality of life. As we travel the various stages of life, the […]

How Sugar Affects Hormones + What to Do About It

Sugar Hormones

It’s my hormones.  You hear this all the time. But what does this even mean?  So many women think that hormonal imbalances are just a part of life: getting older, getting your period, approaching menopause, and feeling stressed.  While your hormone levels will fluctuate throughout your menstrual cycle and as you age, uncomfortable symptoms due […]